“What It Takes To Survive The Sandbar”
January 4, 2016
What you learn and what it takes to see Kenny Chesney in concert as close as humanly possible.
You learn a great deal about yourself, and society in general while waiting in line, being herded like cattle, and feeling the exhilaration of experiencing a Kenny Chesney concert while in the sandbar.
Here are just a few of the things we have learned over the last 17 years of attending Kenny’s Shows:
- There is always someone that thinks they love Kenny more than you and that’s OK. People think we are crazy to wait in line for hours to get a good spot in the sandbar. But, the people at the front of the line have ususally already been there for 2 hours before us. Kenny Chesney has delivered an amazing show while performing his music and that has created The No Shoes Nation.
- Self-policing only goes so far. At Kenny concerts, those in the front of the line are the self-proclaimed line keepers. Everyone readily accepts their place in line and they stay there all day. That is, until the time when the line is finally let loose and the cattle make their way down the tunnel to get onto the field for the concert. Then the entire system breaks down. If you want order in your life or organization, there must always be accountability…right up to the very end, so we represent The No Shoes Nation with self control and love during this time.
- Someone will always try to scam the system. Toward the end of the day, just as we are finally getting ready to head into the stadium, two interlopers usually come and try to crash the line. They attempt to slip in without notice. This is where the self-policing aspect of the line becomes very interesting. Those who had been waiting all day usually notice these rogues and from one end to the other see to it that they were not welcome in the front. Fair is fair. Sometimes it takes hard work, discomfort, and long hours to achieve a goal. Those who cheat the system are cheating themselves…and making life more difficult for others. Don’t be one of those people. That is NOT a responsible No Shoes Nation Member!
- Uncomfortable situations are made easier with family and friends. Throughout the day of waiting it’s always nice to be with your best friend. We provide company for one another, share our discomfort, hold the place in line for those taking a bathroom break or going to get food for lunch, and, in the end, share the joy of finding the perfect place in the sandbar for the concert. When life gets uncomfortable, make sure you lean on those you love. They will be happy to support you. An added plus of being in the No Shoes Nation is all the amazing friends you make along the way! We have at least one No Shoes Nation friend in every city we have been to see Kenny in!
- Are we are getting too old for this? A day spent in the summer sun takes a great deal of fortitude and patience. It is hot, uncomfortable, and tiring. At the end of the show we sprint to find water to drink and a bathroom to use. But we don’t think we are ever gonna get too old to do it! EVER!
That’s not to say it isn’t worth it. When Kenny hits that stage we always look at each other and with tear filled eyes look down at our arms, as they are filled with goose bumps. The sheer joy on our faces and the faces of everyone around us is amazing. There are no words for watching Kenny glide along the stage right in front of you and that alone gives us the incredible energy to move forward and sing EVERY word right along with him. We don’t care what anyone says, Kenny Chesney puts on the best show of any entertainer. So YES, it is worth all of what we have mentioned. We tend to go to more than one show a year and try a different city every year too. Let’s not put an exact number on it but, three, four or more times a a summer if we are lucky! Yes…We are hooked on Kenny Chesney concerts! But we are in good company!
Connie and Michelle
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