“Twenty One Thoughts During A Sandbar Journey”
It certainly is a day long journey for any No Shoes Nation Member that gets to experience “The Sandbar” at one of Kenny Chesney’s shows. So here are a few thoughts that might roll through your head when you get that special time at a Kenny Chesney concert.
Before The Show
1. Are my tickets valid? What if they don’t scan?
2. Is that person really trying to cut the line? Not Happening!
3. Will I make it to the front of the T or should I go for the side of the T in the sandbar?
4. Will security classify my belt/purse/bag/necklace/asthma inhaler/my gift I wanna give Kenny as a weapon and make me hand it over?
5. I better have my concert buddy hold my spot for one more bathroom break.
6. They’re opening the doors! For the love of all that is good, don’t push.
Waiting For The Show To Start
7. Intense wave of relief as the ticket scans properly (see #1).
8. Will security really do anything if I don’t walk calmly to the floor.
9. Intense wave of relief upon making it to the T (see #3).
10. Paranoia that someone is edging up and trying to take over my space at the stage.
If I just widen my stance, plant my feet and hold on I should be good.
11. My feet hurt, but I can’t move, let me shift eeeverso slightly to the side. Better. Sort of. Now the other foot hurts. Other side. Let’s try tip-toes. Heels only? Let me try leaning on the stage.
12. No, bladder! No, you do not have to pee. Only 10 minutes until Kenny. Suck it up! We’re not losing this spot!
13. I hope I have enough charge on my phone to take a few pictures and post a good one on Facebook?
During The Show
14. Wonder who Kenny will give the helmet and guitar too?
15. I actually can’t feel anything anymore, Kenny freakin Chesney is right in front of me singing my favorite song!
16. I think I’m gonna pass out… he just slapped my hand… Did Kenny Chesney just look me in the eyes? Tears!
17. Please lord let me get lucky enough for Kenny to notice my flag/sign/hat and sign it!
18. Should I stay for a few minutes to thank Ed and get a set list, guitar pick or a drum stick from Sean? Answer…Hell Yes!
After The Show
19. Oh NO…I feel it coming on… PKCD. Post Kenny Concert Depression.
20. Where the heck is the Restroom!
21. Let me check Ticketmaster… there has to still be tickets to Kenny’s next show available. I’ll explain it to work and the husband/family later!
Hope you enjoyed our take on the Sandbar experience!
Connie & Michelle
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