“The No Shoes Nation”
Top 10 things that might make you a member of The No Shoes Nation Sandbar Style…
When you hear someone say “white stuff” you immediately think of sand between your toes and wish you were on a beach in the islands.
You know about every pre-sale and all the codes for any Kenny Chesney concert.
You will walk up to anyone on the street that is wearing a Kenny Chesney t-shirt and start comparing concert moments with them.
You love meeting complete strangers at a Kenny Chesney show and then consider them a new friend after spending two hours singing along to every song with them.
You schedule your summer plans around Kenny Chesney’s tour schedule.
You buy anything that Kenny Chesney endorses–Blue Chair Bay Rum, Corona, Costa, etc.
Your favorite footwear happens to be no footwear or at least flip-flops.
You day dream of visiting St. John, or any island. Having your pirate flag waving and a drink in your hand, all while listening to No Shoes Radio!
You have a hard time explaining what it feels like to see Kenny Chesney in concert to people who don’t get it, so you invite them to come along to a show so they can get the 1st hand experience for themselves. (Spreading The Love)
You feel like you know thousands of people who you don’t have to explain your love of Kenny Chesney’s music to… because you are all members of the No Shoes Nation and we just get it!
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