“Hanging With Hagar”

Meeting The Red Rocker

Wow… What a night. Meeting Sammy Hagar was never really thought of as an option for us Sandbar Girls . He is such a legend that we really didn’t think it was a possibility. That changed one morning, with a 7:30 am phone call from a dear friend that works at our local radio station. Connie had told her months ago how excited she was to have purchased her tickets to see Sammy Hagar. Unfortunately Michelle was not going to make the show because of her son’s birthday. When our friend called it was to tell Connie that a meet and greet had been secured for Connie and whom ever she was taking to the show. Screams of joy and excitement ensued! 

One problem… Connie still had not confirmed who she was bringing with her. She had made a call to her 28 year old son in San Diego that was planning a visit but wasn’t 100% confirmed to come. After telling him what was on the line, if he flew in for the show, his decision to visit was made. As a single mother until Derrick was 10 years old, it was a thing for Connie and her son to jam out in the car to Van Halen and Sammy Hagar all through the 90’s. Derrick born in ’91 and grew up a rock and roll and country music lover. Going to concerts with his mom at an early age. Something they still share today. So, to know she was meeting Sammy with Derrick, who equally loved his music was unbelievable.

The meet and greet was like no other we had  been too. We walked in after they escorted us to a private room with about 30 people and there was a mobile tiki bar with a smiling face ready to serve us Sammy’s Beach Bar Rum and Santo Mezquila. So good! Gave Blue Chair Bay a run for it’s money! His crew was so nice and made us feel so comfortable. Within 15 minutes the Red Rocker entered the room smiling and shaking hands, giving hugs and kisses. One at a time we each took our turn to get a picture and literally have a full conversation with him. We were never rushed!

As we walked up to talk to Sammy, it felt like we were going to be talking to a longtime friend. We told him the story of the jam sessions in the car. Even, how I had went to a Van Halen show 5 months pregnant with Derrick. Sammy was completely into the story of the generations that listen to his music. He said… that was the “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge tour”.  He knew his shit for a 72 year rock and roll star. You know I absolutely had to tell him I was part of the No Shoes Nation. His face lit up. “My boy Kenny… I love that dude” he said. I said… you need to do more with Kenny we would love for you guys to collaborate more! Sammy asked if I listened to a station called No Shoes Radio? He proceeded to explain to me… We have a song on there called “One Sip”… we wrote that together. I sang a chorus of the song and he gave me the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek. It was amazing. 

After our time with him. He finished up with the rest of the pictures. Sammy freaking Hagar mingled in the room for quite a while stopping by groups of people talking and just hanging out with all of us. It was incredible to see how comfortable he was just being “Sammy Hagar”. Especially around the fans. As he was leaving to go back and get ready for the show he pointed at Derrick and I and looked at his wife to say “Those two are the real deal… cool people”. NIGHT MADE! Sammy Hagar thinks I’m cool…. Connie’s life is complete!

The show was amazing. He played so many hits and jammed out on his guitar with Micheal Anthony. He loved the crowd and autographed stuff all night that the fans in the front had brought. Another night of  amazing music. I often wonder what if we didn’t have music in our lives? Whether its Kenny, Sammy or any of our favorite artists, how could we go through life without these special times where music brings so many together? It just isn’t possible for these Sandbar girls! Music is what feeds our souls.


Connie and Michelle



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