“Kenny Chesney Does It Again”
Another Amazing Time With Kenny Chesney
With Michelle unable to attend the Carolina Country Music Fest with Connie, us Sandbar girls had to make the difficult decision to sell both tickets or should Connie invite someone else? One phone call later we started planning the weekend in South Carolina with our best Sandbar girl Shari! We had to meet our other Sandbar girl Jennifer for a great time on the beach. Right?
You buy/plan these trips/tickets so many months away it really does seem like a dream when you realize you are standing 2 feet from the end of the stage and know in a few hours Kenny will be right up there singing some of his best music. People don’t seem to understand why we all go to so many of the “same” Kenny Chesney concerts. Well, that’s just it… they are not all the “same” shows. This one certainly turned out to be one for the books! At the hotel the night before, Shari was talking about the fact that she was losing count but it was about her 17th time seeing Kenny in concert and Jennifer… well, we later realized this was gonna be OUR 6th show together, not counting all the others I did not go to with her. So, I (Connie) started to count it up… figuring the Myrtle Beach show was probably gonna be my 52nd show. So if you are new to the whole No Shoes Nation thing… Our advice is… keep a count. I sure wish I would have.
We all three at separate moments looked at each other during Kenny’s show and realized it wasn’t a dream and we were not imagining it but, Kenny Chesney seemed to be singing right to us. One reason we think he might have done this was we didn’t have our phones or a camera out and pointed at him all night. And to be honest it was amazing! Living in the moment, making straight eye contact with your favorite music artist is something special. It wasn’t until we walked out of the sandbar and could hear each other talk that we confired with each other that he really was looking right at us with those beautiful blue eyes and celebrating our No Shoes Nation membership with his amazing music.
We had seen the stairs that led down to the audience from the stage. Several of the previous acts used it to come down and get people to bring onstage or to come down and take selfies with their fans in the crowd. But, in between sets we all agreed… “Kenny would never do that”! So much for us really knowing our guy. Kenny Chesney surprised us in the best way possible, he did use those beautiful stars to walk down into the “Sandbar”! We were completely on the other side of the stage but, he made his way around over to us and with a big smile came right up to all three of us. It was like time stood still. He thanked us for coming and one by one signed our BCB and NSR hats. Noticing Shari’s was faded from the sun and beach, he remarked how old it was and said he was impressed! David Farmer, his longtime best friend even looked on as I patted Kenny’s arm (twice). Then I thanked them both for coming all the way over to see us! David said… “NO, thank you all, for being here and supporting what we do”.
And just like a dream, it had to come to an end and we came back to reality. We do this website for so many reason’s but it really is for all the other fans. The No Shoes Nation is such a special group of people connected by Kenny Chesney’s amazing music. When we were walking out of the Sandbar a young girl… Jennifer, stopped me and said… Connie, thank you for all you and Michelle do to keep the fans informed. It made my heart happy. So Saturday’s story is dedicated to all the No Shoes Nation members that may not be able to experience what Jennifer, Shari and I did! What happened to us just doesn’t happen to everyone and we are going to cherish that memory in our minds forever. So, we just wanted to share our joy with all of you cause we know you guys “get it”!
Next up for us is Boston and let’s make it another two nights we will never forget. Here is to great friendships, spreading love and Kenny Chesney’s music!
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