“Message From Connie And Michelle, Relief for St. John”
Living in Florida and seeing the devastation Irma is leaving in her path, It’s hard to believe we are about to see that wrath firsthand. We still can’t get over the destruction she has left on our beloved island of St. John. We say “our” island, because with over 14 visits between the two of us, we have made lasting friendships on that rock. We have truly felt the amazing LOVE of that beautiful island. Many of the places that we have made so many memories at… are gone. There is a difference between the destruction on St. John and what we will endure here in Orlando in the next few days. We have resources, we are not a tiny little island! We know our local government will make sure we are taken care of in the end. The response time to help us will be much quicker and within a short time, we will recover. We simply can’t imagine the fear and anxiety that our friends are feeling right now on St. John. It will not compare to what we are about to experience with Irma. Kenny Chesney has always lead the No Shoes Nation to “Spread The Love”, so we encourage all of you to help them by donating to the Love For Love City Fund. With all the love that St. John and it’s people given us, let’s give some of that love back to them so they can heal! We couldn’t be prouder to be members of this wonderful tribe of people called the NO SHOES NATION than we are right now!
Love to you all, Connie and Michelle
“These are people who live off the sea, who depend on it. They live right there, and it’s gone. Most everyone’s displaced. They are frightened, confused, and they don’t know where help is going to come from. Those lives have changed and will never be the same. Those small islands are hard to get to and they rely on each other to get through what life hands them. For all of them, though, they’ve been where I’ve leaned for emotional and creative support for fifteen years because they are so generous.”
~Kenny Chesney~
Kenny and his team have created a couple of ways for us to donate to the official Love for Love City Foundation.
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