“Nation Member Penny”
Penney Jensen
It’s hard to say how long I have been in love with Kenny’s music – but I think it has been around 16 years.
I try to see Kenny at least 2 times a year – depending on how close he comes to me in Utah. I think my favorite Kenny Chesney show was 2012 in Tampa – that was when I got to meet Shari Adkins, Noelle Campbell, Shari Rice, Troy Borque, Rusty Smith, Emily Wimmer, Melissa Satterwhite, just to mention a few. I experienced my first tailgate (we don’t really know how to tailgate in Utah) We all met up at the Roundup bar the night before the concert – and had a really great time getting to know each other. Saturday we had a blast at the Tampa tailgate – and watching the concert from the sandbar – was incredible.
I have a really hard time picking a favorite song – but ” Flip Flop Summer” really seems to be my theme song.
I had to have that song – and I was lucky enough to have someone tell me that it was on a special release of The Road and the radio” Cd – I think every album Kenny releases is special in its own way.
I love everyone that I have met through No Shoes Nation – there are so many fun and crazy people – just like me. I have taken trips with so many friends that I have met through No Shoes Nation – we have went to St. John for the Love City Music Festival and twith Michelle and Connie for the Welcome To The Sandbar trips there as well. I have my NSN flag flying in my little cubicle at work – and No Shoes radio playing on my computer. All my co-workers really seem to love it. I am so glad I get to share my love of Kenny’s music with so many! I am grateful for all the memories I have made over the years with so many special No Shoes Nation Members. From traveling to shows in Boston or even Nashville I look forward to making many more memories with everyone – they feel like the family that I got to choose – I am very excited for 2021 and hopeful we can gather again in the Sandbar soon.
Thank You so much Penney for loving the music and we can’t wait to see you out on the road soon!
Connie & Michelle