“Our Virtual Happy Hour With The No Shoes Nation”

A Quarantine Virtual Get Together with the Sandbar Girls!

Just like everyone else, we are missing physically engaging with our No Shoes Nation family. We kept asking ourselves that with social distancing, how could we  have more engagement with you all?

So, we recently hosted a couple of Instagram lives. Connie and Michelle virtually talking to some of our Welcome To The Sandbar IG followers… and it was so much fun! It was nice to be talking about the new album and discussing the sad postponement of the tour with our friends who feel the same way “we do!”

Then we thought “How can we go bigger!?” With all the technology, we knew there had to be a way to see everyone’s faces. We had planned to meet up at various shows over the summer but now we needed a way to meet up virtually. So we decided to do a “Zoom meet-up” with our group that went with us to St. John in 2019 and 2016 and as a special treat, we also invited some of our Instagram followers to join us.

Intern Jordyn was given the task of setting up our Zoom meeting for a Saturday afternoon in the midst of this crazy stay at home order! Luckily, our NSN family had no plans…LOL. A Virtual Sandbar Happy hour was officially underway!

We made a list of things to chat about but then thought it would be great if we could have some surprise special guests? Michelle and Connie have been friends with the Wheeland Brothers for years so Michelle sent them a text to see if they could join us. They responded with an all in! We have had a long standing friendship with Jon Anthony from No Shoes Radio as well so Connie reached out to see if by chance he would do a rare sit in with us on Zoom. He answered back that he would be happy to join us!  We were thrilled that we could surprise everyone with our special guests on our “Virtual Happy Hour.”

It was so much fun. We had over 70 NSN friends join us for the hour long session. We asked the Wheeland Brothers what was up next for them, any new music coming, how fun their “Couch Concerts” have been and how they came to be regulars on No Shoes Radio. Jon was so awesome answering lots of questions and he gave us some scoop on what to expect for the special “Here and Now” album release show on May 1st on No Shoes Radio—mark your calendars!! We are thankful to all of them for spending their time to virtually visit with all of us. We closed it out with a quick listen to our new anthem from Kenny… “We Do.”

We have broken the more than hour-long Zoom up into two viewings. We hope you enjoy these exclusive discussions. We are hopeful to do a few more to pass the time especially without a show to go to for a while. Until we can see you all in person, we will do our best to stay virtually engaged this summer!

Don’t worry, if you missed it, there will be more ways for us to connect….just stay connected to our crazy adventures by liking our Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook pages.

Live With Jon Anthony From No Shoes Radio
Live with the Wheeland Brothers

Hope to see you all soon and stay healthy No Shoes Nation!

Connie and Michelle