“The Sandbar Stager”
“Sandbar Stager” is a term that we use for someone that has been known to arrive at the stadium, amphitheater or arena of a Kenny Chesney show several hours before the gates open to get that perfect spot in the sandbar.
These awesome No Shoes Nation members take getting that perfect spot on the “T” very serious. They will get to the venue and “camp out” for hours. Some do it up right with coolers and chairs! Making friends and exchanging holding spots in line for a bathroom break or a trip for food or refreshments is a must! Hey after all, everyone is your friend in the No Shoes Nation right? It is kind of becoming the pre-party before the show! Even taking in a name of it’s own, “Line-gating”. Both Connie and Michelle pick their battles, so not every show do we take the title of “Sandbar Stager.” It really depends on the venue and the people we go with as to whether we take on the challenge of waiting in line before the show. There is no doubt that we have met some “professionals” on this adventure and let’s just say… Kathy, Jennifer, Chris and Deborah Jane… are all “Rock Stars!”
Here are a few of their tips:
“Bring a cheap $8 throw away camping chair if you plan on doing it for hours and a throw away cooler. Make friends with the people around you and form a coalition with them so that you go in together and guard each other’s spots. Lol.” – Chris K.
“Bring cards or something to kill time while talking to others that you don’t mind pitching so you don’t carry them all night. Have a “runner” or buddy that can get drinks/give bathroom breaks/etc. Avoid bringing a purse or bag that need searched (at least 1 person in your group). “ – Jennifer M.
“Get there ridiculously early. Take cheap folding chairs and a Styrofoam cooler stuffed with cold drinks and snacks. Make friends so someone holds your space in line to go pee. Pack sunscreen and ball cap.” – Deborah Jane P.
“Get up really really early and go scout out the entrance area. Not necessarily to line up that early but to #1 make sure no one else is starting to line up already and to see where the sandbar line up will be. Mentally prepare for a very long day and be prepared for any conditions such as cold, hot or rainy. The sandbar is not for the weary at heart…comfortable shoes and dress is vital…It’s not about being cute (unless you are young :-). It’s about duration! Make friends with everyone around you…..if you need to leave to go get food or restroom break you want to have someone hold your spot. And by taking time to meet those around you, you’ll be amazed about how many cool, unique, amazing people there are in this world. Some of the most amazing people I am friends with today started in a sandbar line.” – Kathy L.
We hope with those good tips from the pro’s helps with your mad dash to the “T” once they open the gates. It might make your wait more tolerable, maybe even fun! Which is always what it is supposed to be about! FUN & MUSIC! You can send us a message with your tips and idea’s anytime! We love hearing all about your experiences as a “Sandbar Stager!” We hope to see you in line, up against the “T” or somewhere in the sun!
Connie & Michelle
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